The main mission of one of the largest enterprises of the Republic of Belarus - the Grodno Azot Open Joint-Stock Company - is to maximize the satisfaction of the needs of the domestic agricultural complex in nitrogen fertilizers, and the country's chemical industry in caprolactam, methanol and other types of products. Providing its high competitiveness and quality, the company successfully sells products in the world market.
Liquid nitrogen fertilizers (UAN)
Caprolactam liquid
Caprolactam crystalline
Granular urea
POD oil
Methanol technical
Ammonium sulphate
Crystalline hydroxylamine sulfate
Liquid ammonia for technical use
Section is not found
Branch «Khimvoloksky Plant»
Health part
Sanatorium «Pearl»
UE «AzotService»
UE «Nitrogen Rem Rem»
UE «AzotHimFortis»
UE «AzotSpetsTrans»
JSC «Grodno Azot»